NJSACC is pleased to share a wide range of publications and resources to strengthen your afterschool program.  Please visit the NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool sectionAfterschool Meals section, and Advocacy and Public Policy for publications and resources specific to those topics.
NAA Disaster Preparedness Toolkit

Disaster Preparedness: Continuity of Organizational Operations Plan – Forms, Checklists and Resources


>> Download the NAA Disaster Preparedness Toolkit

The Afterschool Guide to Social and Emotional Learning

The Afterschool Guide to SEL is a compilation of a variety of resources to help afterschool professionals better understand SEL, the competencies and the role SEL plays within afterschool programs. These resources provide information about the importance and benefits of SEL, strategies to integrate SEL practice into afterschool programming and examples of successful programs built around SEL practice. Regardless of proficiency with SEL practice, the resources within this guide may be used to enhance the SEL experiences offered to youth.


>> Download The Afterschool Guide to Social and Emotional Learning

Hurry Up and Wait

Often participants in a group are asked to hurry up (“hurry and line up for the bus”; “hurry and finish painting so we can have snack”), only to find themselves bored and waiting for the next activity. So, why not keep kids busy during those “hurry up and wait” times with some fun things to do?


In Hurry Up and Wait we’ve included all sorts of activities to fit those situations and added a bunch of additional favorites ranging from crafts, to bus activities, to things to do on a rainy day. Adapt them, change them, collect and create activities to fit your group. Think of it as a reward for those kids who are the good listeners. The first ones to “hurry up and wait” get the most time to play. Includes fun activities for older preschoolers, and school-age thru adults!


>> Get the order form for Hurry Up and Wait

Imagine: Afterschool Space that Works

Children arrive at afterschool from different classrooms, sometimes from different schools – and they’ve already had a long day. The afterschool space offers children a sense of place and an understanding of the values and customs in the program. The environment can exert a powerful influence on their experiences and attitudes.


This booklet encourages afterschool professionals to think differently about the spaces in which they work. It offers practical, concrete advice on how to invest time and resources in creating attractive, exciting and more effective afterschool environments.


>> Download Imagine: Afterschool Space That Works

Taking the Temperature of Afterschool in New Jersey

This focus group report details goals, interests and concerns of afterschool providers throughout the state. It includes comprehensive recommendations.


>> Download Taking the Temperature of Afterschool in New Jersey

Schoolyard Ecology: Creating a Butterfly Garden for NJ Schools and Afterschool Programs

Butterfly gardens are not only important for your local schoolyard habitat but they can increase student engagement and curiosity in the classroom. By planting a butterfly garden you have created an interactive classroom for your children to be engaged in the natural world.


>> Download Creating a Butterfly Garden booklet

The 21st Century Afterschool Science Project

The 21st Century Afterschool Science Project brings together the resources, technology, health and science of New Jersey to develop and integrate quality science and health education programs into afterschool programs. It engages adults and children in the joy of exploration and discovery, the satisfaction of thinking critically about the ‘why’ and the ‘how’, and the freedom to pursue the questions about the natural world that intrigue and delight us.


It includes:


  • An informal, hands-on science curriculum infused with language arts and math skills that is appropriate for integration into afterschool, out-of-school time (OST) and extended-day settings;
  • Use of a guided-inquiry approach to encourage student problem-solving and engagement and effective facilitation of science learning by non-scientists;
  • Training and capacity-building through modeling of effective science learning and delivery, and on-site technical assistance that capitalizes on the strengths of OST staff and environments;
  • Family-involvement strategies which are integral to students’ academic success; and,
  • A guide to incorporating science-learning into afterschool and other OST programs, which includes research, strategies, resources and templates tailored specifically for afterschool providers and their staff.


>> Download the curriculum

Public Funding for Afterschool

Many afterschool programs rely on a mix of private and public funding sources in order to support high – quality programming for youth. This guide includes many potential sources of public funding for afterschool programs; please note that it is not meant to be exhaustive and there may be other sources of funding available.


>> Download the funding guide

Event Materials

NJ’s School Preparedness Path Presentation


On May 7th, 2013 , Anthony Bland, State Coordinator for Office of School Preparedness and Emergency Planning NJ Department of Education presented NJ’s School Preparedness Path. those that attended impacted on 10,000+ youth in afterschool programs in NJ.


This presentation refocused educators’ and afterschool professionals paradigm on the importance of school preparedness. In addition, it highlighted mandates required of school districts, including the Drill Law, School Safety & Security Plans, and other activities that will move the afterschool community forward in preparedness.

