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Check out NYS Network for Youth Success’s FREE Staff Recruitment Toolkit Resource The New York State Network for Youth Success is dedicated …

12 Tips For Recruiting After School Staff Are you experiencing challenges recruiting afterschool program staff? Try these 12 tips to support your …

Join us for Afterschool Conversations with NJSACC for Licensed & Center-Based Programs as well as Public School Based Programs – all are …

Announcing New Jersey Child Nutrition Fund Grants! Announcing a new opportunity from the New Jersey Child Nutrition Fund (NJCNF)! For the 2021 …

Apply Now for our 2021-22 Targeted Technical Assistance Program! FREE Quality Coaching designed specifically for your program: Coaching Calls with your NJSACC …

NJSACC Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month. You can too. National Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates and recognizes the contributions Hispanic Americans have made …

NJSACC: The Statewide Network for New Jersey’s Afterschool Communities in partnership with C. S. Mott Foundation Presents: Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead November 2021 …

NJSACC Celebrates Filipino American Heritage Month. You can too. Filipino American Heritage Month celebrates and recognizes the contributions Filipinos have made to …