The FLASH is NJSACC’s daily news portal for Afterschool professionals in New Jersey. Sign up for the FLASH and receive important updates, grant notices, news, professional development opportunities and relevant job listings. Subscribers can select to receive daily or weekly emails. Alternatively, social media followers can select to receive the FLASH via FacebookInstagramLinkedInPinterest or Twitter @NJSACC. Our YouTube subscribers receive related video content @NJSACC1.


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Now’s the Time to Celebrate the E in STEM National Engineers Week is February 20 – 26, 2022. is dedicated to ensuring …

This Valentine’s season, share why you love your afterschool program! There are millions of reasons to love afterschool. Afterschool programs keep kids …

Supporting Youth Learning and Development With Engaging Afterschool Programs Join national and state leaders to explore ways to support out-of-school time programs …

New Jersey Department of Health’s COVID-19 Public Health Recommendations for Operating Childcare Programs (as of Tue Feb 8 2022) Public Health Update: …

NJ Afterschool Programs Still Constrained by COVID-Induced Staffing Written by Dino Flammia Waitlists, staff burnout, worker shortages — afterschool programs in the …

NJ Afterschool Summer Program-Cohort 8 – Competitive Notice of Grant Opportunity (NGO) is available – Apply by Thu Feb 17 The goal …

Findings Conclude: Greater Investments Needed to Stabilize OST Workforce The Afterschool Alliance recently released findings from their most recent COVID-19 out of school …

This Valentine’s season, share why you love your afterschool program! There are millions of reasons to love afterschool. Afterschool programs keep kids …