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NJSACC Celebrates French-American Heritage Month. You can too. French-American Heritage Month is a month to celebrate the contributions French-Americans have made to …

Engage Every Student Launch Event! #NationalSummerLearningWeek Every young person deserves both a quality education and the rich and varied opportunities and supports …

2022 Lights On Poster Contest Winner The winner of the 2022 Lights On Afterschool poster contest is LEAP afterschool program at PS100x …

NAA Publishes Helpful Out-Of-School Time (OST) Equity News How OST Leaders Can Commit to Equity As Pride month closes, we all must …

NJSACC Celebrates Fourth of July (Independence Day). You can too. The Fourth of July—also known as Independence Day or July 4th—has been …

A Special Video Message to New Jersey’s Afterschool Network: NJSACC Selects Ebony D. Grace as its new CEO! NJSACC: The Statewide Network …

NJSACC Publishes Resource List to Support Youth in Coping with Trauma We will continue to mourn the loss of the 19 children …

Mizzen: Think. Make. Tinker – Inspire children’s creativity with reDiscover Center There is no single word that captures the spirit of reDiscover …