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NGO: NJ Arts and Culture Renewal Fund – accepting Grant Applications – apply by Thu Aug 31 The New Jersey Arts and …

Apply to become an Afterschool Alliance Youth Ambassador – due Thu Aug 31 By ELIZABETH BANNAN Posted: Jul 25, 2023 We are thrilled to …

Register Now for the ACA Staffing Summit ACA Inc., ACA, New York and New Jersey, ACA, Illinois and ACA, New England are …

The Five A’s to Navigating SEL from the Inside Out with Older Youth Social and emotional learning (SEL) is essential for young …

The Power of Peer-to-Peer Relationships Educators and out-of-school time youth-serving practitioners have much to learn from young people and the relationships they …

Trauma-Informed Practices in School: Teaching & Self-Care Resources Scary Statistics About Adverse Childhood Trauma The National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) reports …

STEM-Rich Afterschool Making Activities Name: STEM-Rich After-School Making Activities Category(s): Curriculum & Enrichment, STEM Curriculum Description: The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and U.S. Department …

        (photo credit: Dagmar Wojcik) NJSACC Appoints Adam Cruz as Chief Operating Officer of New Jersey’s Afterschool and Out-of-School …