Mizzen by Mott: Create a Culture of Connection

Mizzen by Mott: Create a Culture of Connection And just like that… summer is waving goodbye and the 2022-2023 school year is saying hello! Over the next four weeks, we’ll be sharing activities, tips, and great ideas for a successful back-to-(after)school launch. Let’s get started! At Mizzen, we believe inclusivity, belonging and empathy are fundamental…

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Staffing and student well-being remain top concerns for afterschool program providers in new survey

Staffing and student well-being remain top concerns for afterschool program providers in new survey Written by SOPHIE KIDD   “Community awareness of the need for out-of-school time (OST) care and support has increased dramatically. However, without more directed funding efforts, hiring and retaining staff at a livable salary remains difficult, and is veering toward impossible,”…

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Due TODAY Mon Aug 1! Become a valued partner with the Community Food Bank! Complete Program Interest form for FFY23

Due TODAY Mon Aug 1! Become a valued partner with the Community Food Bank! Complete Program Interest form for FFY23 The mission of the Community Charter School of Paterson is to inspire and empower its children, families and staff with opportunities to positively shape and transform their lives by becoming successful, life-long learners who possess…

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Getting Ready For Back-To-(After)School

Getting Ready For Back-To-(After)School Summer is coming to a close and afterschool program planning is well underway. Over the years NAA has created resources to support OST professionals in building high-quality, engaging programs for youth and communities. Use the following NAA program resources in your back-to-(after)school planning: The Afterschool Guide for Language & Literacy Games…

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Supporting OST Professionals During Back-To-School Season

Supporting OST Professionals During Back-To-School Season In Out-of-School Time, planning for staff development is an important part of the back-to-school season. Staff development is one aspect of job quality that prepares OST professionals to deliver the high-quality programs that ultimately lead to positive youth outcomes. As the professional association for the field, NAA’s mission is…

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July is National Parks & Recreation Month!

July is National Parks & Recreation Month! July is National Parks & Recreation Month and our friends at National Recreation and Parks Association have created some resources to help you celebrate. This year we are rising up for all the professionals who help build strong and resilient communities, many of those professionals work with youth…

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How to Stop the Summer Slide with STEM

NAA: How to Stop the Summer Slide with STEM During the summer it’s vital that young people not only have the opportunity for free play and exploration, but also to engage with more intentional educational activities. Use this guide to find fun, engaging STEM learning ideas this summer. Click here to download the guide

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SEL Framework: Curated Resources and Activities from NJSACC and Colleagues

SEL Framework: Curated Resources and Activities from NJSACC and Colleagues CASEL, The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning defines Social Emotional Learning (SEL) “as the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel…

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