Take a journey through an incredible year of growth, innovation, and community impact!
Explore the highlights, milestones, and stories that made this year unforgettable. Click on the drop-down menus to relive the moments that shaped NJSACC’s success and discover how with you all, we’ve impacted youth and families and inspired change. Dive in and see the difference we made together!
This year we Released our Inaugural Annual Impact report
- The annual impact report quantifies NJSACC’s overall impact on the OST professional community.
annual conferences
- NJSACC Annual Conference For Afterschool and OST Professionals
- Annual Soaring Beyond Expectations 21st CCLC Showcase
ESSER Funding Toolkit for School Leaders
- Assisting school districts utilize the funds available to them through ESSER funding.
Afterschool FLASH
- NJSACC’s online blog connecting Afterschool and OST professionals with the most relevant news and events.
Professional Development
- Used as part of the process of continuous quality improvement.
Technical Assistance & Quality Coaching
- Provided with funding from the NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development as part of a Federal CCDF Block Grant Earmark, quality coaching staff provide targeted, technical assistance for school-age programs and providers.
Afterschool Conversations
- Join us for our monthly virtual networking sessions where we share updates from the field, resources, guest experts and speakers, and dynamic conversations with the OST school-age community throughout NJ.
40 plus workshops and over 300 participants
NJSACC, the nonprofit organization serving New Jersey’s afterschool and out-of-school time (OST) professional community, held its annual conference April 26-27, 2024, featuring over 40 workshops and speakers aimed at improving the quality of afterschool and out-of-school time programs.
Soaring Beyond Expectations
showcases best practices of NJ’s Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers
16 workshops
100 participants
This event is open statewide to anyone interested in utilizing afterschool, before school, or summer school as a strategy to improve youth’s knowledge and skills and engage them in meaningful learning opportunities.
Web based trainings
- NJSACC offers online professional development for free or low cost. Take trainings from the comfort of your home 24/7!
Enhanced Technical Assistance and Training
- NJSACC utilizes the New Jersey Quality Standards for Afterschool to design quality improvement plans for afterschool and OST programs in need of enhanced technical assistance and training… and so can you!
Quality Coaching Initiative
- With grant funding from the NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development as part of a Federal CCDF Block Grant Earmark, quality coaching staff provide targeted, technical assistance for school-age providers.
- In addition, quality coaching staff offer program observations, targeted tools and resources tailored to your individual program needs.
The (TTA) Program
- Provided with funding from the NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development as part of a Federal CCDF Block Grant Earmark, NJSACC’s quality coaching staff provide targeted, technical assistance for school-age programs and providers.
Technical Assistance & Quality Coaching
- Our Quality Coaches have years of hands on experience in the field and access to high quality out of school time tools, resources, and training to share with NJ’s school age staff, programs and providers.
We keep you up to date on events, news and information in the afterschool and out of school time profession
- Daily News and Insights
- Daily Social Media Updates
- An Audience of 2000+ Afterschool and OST Providers & Advocates
- Disseminating information on Trainings, Grants, Job Opportunities and Resources
The esser funding toolkit: optimize your district’s funds
NJSACC’s free, downloadable toolkit has all of the information needed to help school leaders use ESSER funds to partner with quality afterschool and OST providers and meet NJDOE requirements.
Broaden your professional networks with real conversation
Join us for our monthly virtual networking sessions where we share updates from the field, resources, guest experts and speakers, and dynamic conversations with the OST school-age community throughout NJ.
Every third Thursday of the month, NJSACC hosts this easy to access online conversation to provide opportunities to network with other OST professionals.
National afterschool association
NJSACC is the New Jersey Affiliate of the National AfterShool Association. NAA and its State Affiliates share a mutual purpose and agreement to support, develop, and advocate for Out-of-School Time professionals and the profession. NAA and its State Affiliates build connectivity among stakeholders and create opportunities for engagement to ensure a vibrant future for the Out-of-School Time profession.
OST professionals who are not currently paid NAA members and live in New Jersey, our state affiliation and annual conference registration make you eligible for a free NAA membership. If you prefer, NAA membership may be purchased directly from NAA on a sliding scale from $25 to $150. Membership options may be found here on the NAA website.
50 State afterschool network
NJSACC is also a proud partner of the 50 State Afterschool Network.
Charles stewart mott foundation
Over more than nine decades, the Mott Foundation has sought to advance and strength the well-being of all aspects of the community.
Kit & njsacc work together like peanut butter & jelly
KIT partners with NJSACC to provide behavior and inclusion professional development throughout the year.
Proudly supporting the positive work of s.t.e.a.m programs with full steam ahead
NJSACC’s Afterschool Initiative brings new resources, training and expertise to NJ’s afterschool and OST providers.
The moonshot always sets its sights on the stars
Each month, NJSACC brings you The Million Girl Moonshot newsletter, rounding up accessible training opportunities, role models, and most importantly, STEM activities for New Jersey’s afterschool communities.
building a better future with support from the mott foundation
With support from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association (NJPSA) and NJSACC, partnered to expand Youth Entrepreneurship education. Youth Entrepreneurship builds important 21st century and workforce skills, such as problem solving, financial literacy, and effective communication. It also encourages youth to have a ‘future oriented’ mindset; this mindset is critical for college and career readiness.
Shedding light on the role afterschool programs play in each community
Lights on Afterschool is a nationwide celebration of the important role afterschool programs play in the lives of children, families, and communities.
Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Technical Assistance Grant
For 15 years, NJSACC partners with the New Jersey Department of Education to develop and conduct capacity building training and technical assistance to the Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC program staff and other eligible entities within New Jersey.
proudly helping our communities raise their standards
What are the NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool (NJQSA)?
- A resource for self-evaluation.
- Used as part of the process of continuous quality improvement.
- Includes a rubric providing descriptions of quality program performance levels.
not all injuries are visible, requiring a different approach to healing
Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a skills-based training that teaches OST professionals how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among children and adolescents ages 12-18. NJSACC offers training in Youth MHFA at various times throughout the year.
2nd annual Diane Genco Award for Excellence in Out-of-School Time was awarded to Dr. Dawn Stokes-Tyler
This year, to honor our professional community, the 2nd annual Diane Genco Award for Excellence in Out-of-School Time was awarded to Dr. Dawn Stokes-Tyler of East Orange Public Schools, Director of the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, The Path. This award recognizes a professional nominated by peers because they exemplify characteristics of professionalism and practice that meets high quality standards in the Afterschool and OST Communities they serve.
NJSACC connected with over 600 OST professionals: impacting over 540,000 youth
- Over 600 OST Professionals were impacted through NJSACC’s conferences, workshops and training opportunities.
- Transitively 540,000+ youth were influenced by the work NJSACC did through these OST professionals.
Released Inaugural Annual Impact report
- The annual impact report quantifies NJSACC’s overall impact on the OST professional community.
new agency initiatives
- Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
- OST Career Pathways Program
- Taking The Pulse Survey 2024
Welcomed 5 new Board of Trustees Members
- Joseph Licata, Chief Executive Officer of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Lower Bergen County
- Yolanda Greene, Associate at the Taylor Law Group LLC
- Michael Fletcher, Chief of Staff and Director, SEEDS-Access Changes Everything
- Celeste Banks, Director of Government Programs, Retention, and Recruitment, Irvington Public Schools
- Robert Foster, Executive Director, Boys & Girls Club of Clifton
OST Advocacy at Afterschool for All Challenge in DC
- NJSACC staff and partner OST providers attended the 2024 Afterschool for All Advocacy Day on June 11th, 2024, to advocate for increased funding to support youth in OST programs.
NJ Quality Standards for Afterschool included in NJCCIS
- NJSACC has partnered with the NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development to include the NJQSA as a continuous program quality resource to be utilized by any state funded school-age provider, via NJCCIS.