The Million Girls Moonshot: May Quality Trainings and Transformative Practices
The Moonshot will be active in out-of-school programs in all 50 states, leveraging the Mott-funded 50 State Afterschool Network, which has access to more than 10 million youth and 100,000 afterschool programs across the country. Over the course of the new year NJSACC’s STEM Specialist Chris Jorn will bring you The Million Girl Moonshot monthly newsletter. Each month Chris will be rounding up accessible training opportunities, role models, and most importantly STEM activities for New Jersey’s after school community.
click here to download NJSACC’s Million Girls Moonshot May newsletter (PDF)
During the month of May, the Million Girls Moonshot celebrates Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month (AAPI Heritage Month). Our country owes a lot of our success to many hardworking, innovative AAPI computer scientists, engineers, and other STEM professionals. These assets will support Networks and program providers as they pay tribute to and highlight a host of AAPI professionals who have contributed to the STEM fields.
In this issue:
- Million Girl Moonshot’s Annual Survey for Afterschool and Summer Programs
- Inventors and Inventions
- Featured Webinars
- Webinar – The M in STEM: Making Math Meaningful
- Webinar Recording – The M in STEM: Math in Everyday Life
- Role Models And Mentors as an Equity Strategy
- Quality Trainings
- PEAR – DoS Certification Training
- Recertification Training for DOS Observers
- May-July Cohort: Asking Purposeful Questions
- Transformative Practices
- Equity and Inclusion
- Engineering Mindsets
- Incorporating Role Models
- Additional Professional Development
- STEM Transitions, Handoffs, and Coordination
- Role Models in STEM
- May’s STEM Spotlight
- Activities for Programs
- Mizzen By Mott Moonshot Connection
click here to download NJSACC’s Million Girls Moonshot May newsletter (PDF)