NAA Has So Much To Offer! Check Out Some Highlights From The May Newsletter

 5 Strategies for Sustaining Summer Learning Programs

Discover how Texas districts are tackling the challenge of sustaining summer learning programs amid funding changes and staffing issues.


It’s Time to Get Your STEM Micro-Credentials!

Are you looking to build your STEM skills and credentials? You’re in luck! We’re partnering with ACRES to host workshops on micro-credential digital badges for OST professionals. ACRES’ amazing coaches provide free, 1-hour, live, interactive sessions.


 Level Up! Exploring Emerging STEM Topics Using Digital Games

 Out-of-school time (OST) learning providers are continuously grappling with the challenge of meeting the needs of our audience in a world where change is constant. How do we prepare learners to recognize the role they play in shaping change? Recent advances in science and technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), have reiterated the need for learners to understand that these advances can benefit and harm society and to question and interrogate how and why. As OST learning providers, where do we begin in working toward helping learners build this understanding?


5 Ways to Manage Workplace Conflict

 Conflict at work? Don’t fret! It’s bound to happen, but guess what? It can actually be a good thing! Did you know that employees in the US spend about 2.8 hours a week dealing with conflict? But here’s the kicker: less than a third of managers feel confident in handling it, and my organizational partners struggle with it too!


 Webinar: Promoting Lifelong Benefits for Youth Through Out-of-School Time

 Would you like to know more about the kinds of factors that have shown a positive impact on youth self-regulation, problem solving, interpersonal skills, decision making, behavior and more? While also decreasing risky, negative behaviors, such as substance mis-use? Out-of-school time (OST) is an ideal environment for building these protective factors, such as caring relationships, high expectations, and meaningful opportunities for contribution, which can lead to lifelong healthy development.