It's Youth Voice Week (March 23 to 31). Find out what you can do!
The day is here: Join us for Youth Voice Week!
Youth are at the center of quality afterschool and summer learning programs. Their voices need to be heard. Please partner with us to amplify youth voices on social media, under the hashtag #AfterschoolWorks, and in the halls of Congress!
Here are three ways to participate in Youth Voice Week:
- Share a message from youth in your program on social media. To help inspire ideas, we have three themed days:
- Monday, March 27: Afterschool programs give young people a place to be themselves
- Tuesday, March 28: Afterschool programs need funding and resources
- Wednesday, March 29: Afterschool programs expose young people to college and career opportunities
- Contact Congress on March 30 and remind them that youth need and deserve the support of afterschool and summer programs
- Explore the Youth Voice Toolkit, a collaboration between the Afterschool Alliance and Grantmakers for Education designed to help you integrate youth voice and action into your work. Shaped with input from youth, the toolkit contains resources, tips, and examples of programming.
Thank you for supporting young people as they make their voices heard about the issues that matter to them!